Our mission is to repair the voting process in Nevada. All people need to have confidence that those who vote are the duly registered residents of Nevada and that ballots are handled fairly accurately. Repair the Vote is gathering signatures to restore confidence in the Nevada voting process.

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Who We Are

Repair the Vote is a group of Nevada citizens who want all Nevadans to have faith and confidence that our elections are conducted properly, that those who vote are the actual registered voters, while reducing the potential for fraud and improper actions.

What We are Doing

Repair the Vote is collecting signatures across Nevada. We need to collect 102,362 verifiable signatures to qualify this initiative for the 2024 General Election ballot.  They must come from all areas of the State, 25,591 from each Congressional District. We must complete this no later than June 26, 2024. The only requirement to sign the petition is to be a registered voter in Nevada. We have volunteers working across that State to gather signatures to qualify the petition for the ballot. We will be present at events around Nevada over the coming months for people to sign.

What Can You Do

1. Sign the Constitutional Amendment Petition. – Click here to learn more!
2. Volunteer to help us gather signatures. All it takes is donating some of your time.
3. Donate to our effort through this website.

Why Are We Doing This

Nevadans across all demographics, gender, age and political party are in favor of requiring a photo ID when voting.  According to a poll conducted by  The Nevada Independent  in February, 2023, 74% of registered Nevada voters are in favor of voters having to show identification when they vote: 62% of Democrats, 93% of Republicans, and 68% of Independents/Non-Partisans.

Multiple times over the years, Legislators have introduced bills to require Voter ID.  None have even received a hearing.  The only way this is going to become a reality in Nevada is for the citizens to take it upon themselves and Bring It To The Ballot.

Every citizen needs faith that the election process is fair and accurate.  A big part of that is to verify the identity of every voter, just as companies verify the identity of the person getting on an aircraft, checking in at a hotel, or cashing a check at a bank. When voters lose faith in the process that drives elections, they also lose faith in the outcome and in the legitimacy of those declared the winners.

Repair the vote in Nevada by passing a law that requires voters to show their ID.


Your donations will help us pass a Voter ID law in Nevada.


We need your help with events, community outreach and signature collection.


We need your signature to get Nevada Voter ID Law on the ballot.


Signatures needed!


Join the team today and help us repair the vote in Nevada!

North Las Vegas, NV

Volunteer Form
